Child Dedication – PC

Child dedication is an opportunity for parents to make a commitment to raise their children to hear, believe, and obey God. Our church family is witness to this and commits to help and encourage parents as they raise their children in the Lord.

Dedicating your child to the Lord is an amazing step to take as you continue praying over them and their future and seeking God’s wisdom as a parent. Our prayer is that one day your child will make a personal decision to put their faith in Jesus. We also pray God’s blessing over you as you continue raising your child to love God and live for Him. We can’t wait to see you at the service! 

“I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.” And he worshipped the Lord there.   –1 Samuel 1:27–28 (NIV) 

We believe Psalm 127:3, which says “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him.”  

Common Questions

Do I need to be a member of HighRidge Church to dedicate my child?
NoWhile we do not require you to be an official member, we do ask that families consider HighRidge their home, because in dedicating your child to God, you are stating that you are willing to partner with God and the Church to raise your child in cooperation with God’s intentions. As your church family, we are here to partner with you as the body of Christ and support you as a family unit. In addition, we ask you to read and agree with our Statement of Faith.
Is Dedication the same as Baptism?
HighRidge Church believes baptism is for those who have made a personal decision to trust Jesus alone for their salvation, once they have the maturity and ability to understand what that means. Rather than baptizing infants or children, we encourage child dedication, where parents formally call upon God’s blessing for their child and publicly commit to raising him or her in accordance with Scripture.  
What should I expect from Child Dedication?
During child dedication, parent(s) publicly commit to helping their child grow in their faith and to raise thein a home centered on Jesus. Our team welcomes the child and parent(s), and prays over each family. Each child will be given a child dedication certificate and a Bible.  
Can a single parent participate in a Child Dedication service?
Yes! Child Dedication signifies the commitment of parents, including single parents, to do their best to raise their child to be a follower of Jesus Christ. We encourage single parents to include any important figures in their child’s life to be a part of the dedication. As a church, HighRidge is committed to supporting single parents in providing a Christian foundation for their child’s upbringing. 
How do I register for Child Dedication?
If you have a child that you would like to have dedicated, please fill out the form below to be placed on the schedule for our next Child Dedication. Dedications will take place during all Sunday services on the scheduled date.  
Where does dedication take place?
Child Dedication happens on Sunday as a part of the service. Service times are 9am and 10:45am.