Life happens in the context of relationships. As a matter of fact, we are wired to be in relationships and connected to one another. Jesus was our greatest example of prioritizing the importance of relationships. He loved His disciples, the people who gathered to hear Him teach, His family, and us too!
Your relationships will do one of two things: Draw you closer to the Lord or pull you away from Him.
Scripture: Proverbs 27:17 NIV – As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
a. What does this Scripture teach us about how we relate to others?
b. What does it mean to “sharpen” each other?
c. Discuss/list ways you can help your friends grow and develop in their faith.
Scripture: The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray. Proverbs 12:26 NKJV
a. Why is it important to be careful who you allow into your close circles?
b. How can we lead our friends to God and not allow them to lead us away from Him?
c. How can we handle relationships that don’t always help us make wise choices?
Scripture: …whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25b NIV
a. What does it mean to be “refreshed?”
b. What brings refreshment in your life? How can you bring refreshment to others?
c. How can we handle relationships that don’t refresh, but tend to drain us?
Scripture: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Ecclesiastes 4:10 NIV
a. Everyone goes through hard things in life; why is it important to have people around you who can help keep you from falling or help you when you fall down?
b. What are some good ways we can help our friends when they are going through difficulties?
c. Are you the kind of friend who helps others in their times of need or do you tend to walk away?
Scripture: You are my friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. John 15:14-15 ESV
a. Jesus wants to be your friend. What one thing does He say makes you His friend?
b. How can we develop a friendship with Jesus? List some things each of us can do that will help us to grow closer to Him.
c. Why is obeying Him so important? Why is it so hard to do sometimes?
Share any insights from the message that spoke to you and how it applies to your relationships.
What are some steps you can take that will help strengthen your relationships?
Divide into smaller groups or prayer partners (male with male, female with female) and take time to share and pray over one key prayer request for the week.