Our lead pastors, Jeff and Dawn Klingenberg, have a deep passion for strengthening marriages and are committed to helping couples establish and keep a solid foundation.
Whether you need to overcome challenges or you want to make your marriage stronger, we offer practical resources and encouragement to enhance the hope and health of your marriage and family.
Marriage Mentors are married couples who have been trained and are willing to come alongside another couple, whether they are engaged, newlyweds or just want to have a stronger/healthier marriage. There is an application process and training is a required part of the program. It is generally a one-year commitment.
Marriage Mentees are couples who desire to grow in their marriage relationship. They are paired with another couple and will be required to meet together with their mentors on a regularly scheduled basis. Mentees commit to doing any homework (reading, watching videos, etc.) assigned to them by their mentors. It is generally a one-year commitment.
We have groups designed for both marriage and family. This includes video curriculum, book studies, and books of the Bible to enhance both marriages and parenting.
It is our desire to support marriages with resources they may need while navigating the highs and lows of life. These include in-house and outsourced counseling recommendations.