Final Date To Be Determined
We are excited to announce that we are planning a July 2025 mission trip to Ethiopia with B Loved Ethiopia.
B Loved is a ministry born in the hearts of a HighRidge family who believes that every child deserves to “be loved.” Their vision is to create families through group homes for double orphaned children. Double orphans have no living mother or father, and potentially no known relatives to love and care for them. B Loved provides a loving family environment so these children can grow spiritually, physically and emotionally.
We will be participating in the ongoing ministry of B Loved in three cities across the country. This includes ministering to the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of the children living in group homes, facilitating a student conference in the local community while presenting the Gospel, and strengthening our B Loved kiddos and staff through ministry breakout sessions. You will be used in a mighty way for God’s Kingdom.
As travel to Ethiopia and the in-country travel can be difficult, we ask that participants be in good physical condition.
Dates: Final Date To Be Determined
Cost: $3,300
Deposit: $550 non-refundable (due at the time of registration and goes toward trip cost)
If you have any questions, please contact our Missions Department via email.