Lead a group Ready to Lead? Register Below Curious About Leading? Intern here! Group Leader Training New Leader Training → Previous Leader Training → The majority of spring groups go live for participant registration on January 19th, and kick off the week of February 2nd. Group Leader Registration Form Become a Leader Honor Code Honor Code * Yes, I agreeNo, I do not agree Click HERE to view our Honor Code.Once you have read the Honor Code and you have agreed to it, please select the “Yes, I agree” drop down. If, after reading, you do not agree, we suggest you do not complete the form and reach out to your Campus Groups Pastor. Leader Details First Name * Last Name * Email * Phone * Mobile Carrier * Select a Mobile CarrierAlltelAT&TBell MobilityBoost MobileCricketSprintT-MobileTelusUS CellularVerizonVirgin Mobile (US)AIO WirelessAlaska CommunicationsAlaska DigitelAppalachian WirelessArch WirelessAssurance WirelessBluegrass CellularC Beyond (All Page Wireless)C SpireC Spire (Cellular South)CellcomCellular OneCellular One NationCenturytelChat MobilityChatr MobileCingularCleartalkComcast PCSConsumer CellularCorr WirelessCredoFidoGeneral Communications Inc.GoPhoneH2OiWirelessInland CellularKoodo MobileLycaM1 WirelessManitoba Telecom ServicesMosaic TelecomNemontNex-Tech WirelessNextelnTelos WirelessOptusPocketQwestRepublic WirelessSasktelSimple MobileSolo BellSolo MobileSouthern Link WirelessStraight Talk - AT&TStraight Talk - Sprint PCSStraight Talk - T-MobileStraight Talk - TracfoneStraight Talk - VerizonTelstraTextNow.meTing(CDMA)Verizon Alt.Viaero WirelessVirgin Mobile (Canada)VoiceStream WirelessWestlinkFreedom MobileCellular One IllinoisRogers WirelessMetroPCSCentennialCellular SouthCincinnati BellGoogle Project FiNet10 WirelessCarolina West WirelessPC TelecomXfinity MobileSpectrum MobileTing(GSM)Family MobileTotal WirelessPure Talk USAMint MobilePatriot MobileUltra MobilePine Cellular Are you a Member at HighRidge Church? * Yes, I am a memberNo, I am not a member If not a member, we encourage all group leaders to become a member within the first year of leading a group. Is this your first time leading a Group at HighRidge Church? * Yes, this is my first time leading a GroupNo, I have led a Group before If you would like the opportunity to be a Group Intern before leading your own Group, please complete the Group Intern Application HERE. Do you have a co-leader? No Yes Do you have an intern? No Yes Co-Leader Details Co-Leader First Name * Co-Leader Last Name * Co-Leader Email * Co-Leader Phone * Co-Leader Mobile Carrier Select a Mobile CarrierAlltelAT&TBell MobilityBoost MobileCricketSprintT-MobileTelusUS CellularVerizonVirgin Mobile (US)AIO WirelessAlaska CommunicationsAlaska DigitelAppalachian WirelessArch WirelessAssurance WirelessBluegrass CellularC Beyond (All Page Wireless)C SpireC Spire (Cellular South)CellcomCellular OneCellular One NationCenturytelChat MobilityChatr MobileCingularCleartalkComcast PCSConsumer CellularCorr WirelessCredoFidoGeneral Communications Inc.GoPhoneH2OiWirelessInland CellularKoodo MobileLycaM1 WirelessManitoba Telecom ServicesMosaic TelecomNemontNex-Tech WirelessNextelnTelos WirelessOptusPocketQwestRepublic WirelessSasktelSimple MobileSolo BellSolo MobileSouthern Link WirelessStraight Talk - AT&TStraight Talk - Sprint PCSStraight Talk - T-MobileStraight Talk - TracfoneStraight Talk - VerizonTelstraTextNow.meTing(CDMA)Verizon Alt.Viaero WirelessVirgin Mobile (Canada)VoiceStream WirelessWestlinkFreedom MobileCellular One IllinoisRogers WirelessMetroPCSCentennialCellular SouthCincinnati BellGoogle Project FiNet10 WirelessCarolina West WirelessPC TelecomXfinity MobileSpectrum MobileTing(GSM)Family MobileTotal WirelessPure Talk USAMint MobilePatriot MobileUltra MobilePine Cellular Is this their first time leading a group? No Yes If you have an additional co-leader, please list them here. Intern Details Intern First Name * Intern Last Name * Intern Email * Intern Phone * Intern Mobile Carrier Select a Mobile CarrierAlltelAT&TBell MobilityBoost MobileCricketSprintT-MobileTelusUS CellularVerizonVirgin Mobile (US)AIO WirelessAlaska CommunicationsAlaska DigitelAppalachian WirelessArch WirelessAssurance WirelessBluegrass CellularC Beyond (All Page Wireless)C SpireC Spire (Cellular South)CellcomCellular OneCellular One NationCenturytelChat MobilityChatr MobileCingularCleartalkComcast PCSConsumer CellularCorr WirelessCredoFidoGeneral Communications Inc.GoPhoneH2OiWirelessInland CellularKoodo MobileLycaM1 WirelessManitoba Telecom ServicesMosaic TelecomNemontNex-Tech WirelessNextelnTelos WirelessOptusPocketQwestRepublic WirelessSasktelSimple MobileSolo BellSolo MobileSouthern Link WirelessStraight Talk - AT&TStraight Talk - Sprint PCSStraight Talk - T-MobileStraight Talk - TracfoneStraight Talk - VerizonTelstraTextNow.meTing(CDMA)Verizon Alt.Viaero WirelessVirgin Mobile (Canada)VoiceStream WirelessWestlinkFreedom MobileCellular One IllinoisRogers WirelessMetroPCSCentennialCellular SouthCincinnati BellGoogle Project FiNet10 WirelessCarolina West WirelessPC TelecomXfinity MobileSpectrum MobileTing(GSM)Family MobileTotal WirelessPure Talk USAMint MobilePatriot MobileUltra MobilePine Cellular If you have an additional intern, please list them here. Group Details Campus Association * Select a CampusFort WorthParker County Please select which Campus you attend. Group Name * Please refrain from using special characters. (Examples: @ #" $' % ^ & * ( ) _ = + | [ ] { } ; : / ?) Picture of Leaders Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 4MB This is not a requirement. Please submit a landscape or a 1920x1080 px picture. Group Description * If you are leading a Freedom Group, a description will be added when your group is onboarded. Group Type * Select a Group TypeMen'sWomen'sMarriage & FamilyFreedomCO-EDYoung Adult Please select your Group Hub. Group Focus * Select a Group FocusSuper SeriesBible StudyBook StudyFreedomFellowshipDiscussionDevotionalFinanceSermon DiscussionHealthWorkoutVideo StudyParentingMarriageCommon InterestCreativeArts/Crafts If you are leading a Freedom Group, please select "Freedom" as your group focus. Group Day * Select a DayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday Time * Select a TimeMorningBreakfastLunchAfternoonAfter WorkDinnerEveningVaries This is a general description used to label the group. Specific time details are entered below. Group Location * Group Location Group Location Group Location City City State AlabamaAlaskaArkansasArizonaCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyoming State Zip Zip Group Capacity * This number should include leaders, co-leaders, and interns. When your group becomes full, it will be removed from the website. Kids Welcomed * YesNo Kids Welcomed Options: Kids Welcomed to the group, Kids Ministry (Weekend Service), and In-Home Childcare Reimbursement. As a Group Leader, you have the opportunity to hire an in-home child caregiver of your choice who can assist in caring for the children in your group. It is important to note that the parents are still responsible for tending to their children. This reimbursement is for group leaders only, not for individual group members. Click HERE to view our Childcare Reimbursement Policy and Release of Liability. If you choose a kids welcomed option, please let us know which one your group will be utilizing in the additional notes box below. Additional Notes Please give us any additional notes in regards to your group, such as what curriculum you will be utilizing, if there are animals in the home, if this is a closed group or what kids welcomed option you will be using. Meeting Details Frequency * Every WeekEvery Other Week If your group will be meeting on the 1st and 3rd, or 2nd and 4th weeks of the month, please indicate these details in the additional notes box above. Monthly by * Date Day Date of Month * Select a Date12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Every * Select a Week of MonthFirstSecondThirdFourthLast Day of Week * Select a Day of WeekMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday Start Date * Spring Groups kick off the week of February 2. This calendar runs Monday - Sunday. Please ensure to select the correct start date. End Date * Spring Groups end the week of May 11. Meeting Start Time * 121234567891011 : 00153045 AMPM Meeting End Time * 121234567891011 : 00153045 AMPM Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ