We can’t wait to help you connect with others and grow spiritually. We have groups for everyone, and we try to make sure everyone can find a group that fits their schedule. With a variety of groups to choose from, we are confident there is a group that is a great fit for you! You can search for groups by type, location, day, and time. Check out the groups meeting near you!
Freedom Groups build on the foundation of your faith in Christ to help you embrace the truth of God’s Word as it relates to your worldview, your past, your sin, your personal value to God, and your purpose in His Kingdom. This group will help you remove every obstacle to intimacy with God so you can walk in true freedom. Each Freedom Group semester ends with a powerful Freedom Encounter!
Groups happen three times a year!
Life flows in seasons, and we want to make it easy for you to be in the right group with each season of life. Our Group semesters are broken up into Spring, Summer, and Fall. Our heart’s desires for everyone to go through a Freedom and Financial Peace University group. Freedom groups are where you get your yesterday’s dealt with and live in spiritual freedom. Freedom is during the Spring Semester. Financial Peace University groups are offered each year. God desires us to be good stewards of our finances, and we want to equip you with the tools to live in financial freedom.
A group is a community of people engaged in biblical fellowship and committed to grow spiritually together. A group can look like friends eating at a restaurant, playing a sport, going through a parenting book together, or people studying the Bible. To put it simply, a group is meant to do life together!
Most small groups meet for a semester. This way, new people can join groups easily and regularly. Also, the semester format allows you to try multiple groups each year. As relationships form, some groups choose to stay together for consecutive semesters, but new members are always welcome.
Childcare options varies from group to group. When you search for a group, the group will indicate if childcare is available. There are groups that offer in-home childcare during the group meeting, and groups that meet during a weekend service and utilize Kids Ministry.
Don’t give up! Not every group will be a good fit. We encourage you to select a few groups you think might interest you and contact the leaders to find out more about the group. You can then try out a few before committing. We want to see you connected in a group that makes you feel at home!
The best method would be to contact the group leader first, introduce yourself and find out more about the group. Once you have narrowed down a group that you would like to try, fill out the registration form and contact the group leader to let them know you will be attending.